Proven Formula

Encourage to Spend More

Offering free shipping on orders over $70 can incentivize users to add more products to their cart to reach the free shipping threshold, potentially increasing the average order value.

Proven Formula

Highlighting Value

Highlighting the "$125 VALUE" on the photo can create a sense of worth for the Feals Starter Pack.

This implies that customers are getting a bargain by purchasing the bundle, encouraging them to view it as a cost-effective option compared to buying individual products separately.

# Price Perception

Showing the "VALUE" of a bundle can affect how customers perceive its price, making it appear more affordable or worth the investment. This perception can have a positive impact on the conversion rate.

Proven Formula

Clear Value Proposition

The tagline and headline clearly express that the product is meant as a starting point for customers seeking calm, focus, and relief. This resonates with the target audience.

# Social Proof

The 4.8 star rating and 42 reviews serve as social proof for the well-received Feals Starter Pack. Positive reviews and ratings build trust and credibility, assuring potential customers of the product bundle's quality and effectiveness, positively impacting conversion rates.

# Benefit-oriented language

The text "A collection of our bestselling products to support calm, focus, and relief" highlights the benefits of the Feals Starter Pack, addressing potential pain points or needs of the customers.

Proven Formula

Create Urgency

The strike-through pricing combined with the discounted price and the "Add to Cart" CTA button can create a sense of urgency, indicating that the discounted price may be a limited-time offer.

This can prompt potential customers to take action and make a purchase decision quickly, potentially increasing the conversion rate.

Proven Formula

Informative Details

The bullet point list offers informative details about the Feals Starter Pack products, saving potential customers time and effort in researching individual products. It also highlights the product features, showcasing their benefits and potentially appealing to customers looking for those features.

# Trustworthy badges

The three badges on the Feals Starter Pack can help build trust with potential customers. They indicate that the products are made in the USA, free of genetically modified organisms, and tested by third-party labs for quality and safety. This reassures customers about the product quality and reliability, potentially increasing their confidence in making a purchase.

Proven Formula

What’s Included

This section provides a clear overview of what is included in the Feals Starter Pack.

This can help potential customers quickly understand the contents of the bundle and what they can expect to receive, making it easier for them to make an informed decision about whether the product aligns with their needs and preferences.

Proven Formula

Comprehensive Solution

The section goes into more specifics about each product, making it easier for potential customers to see how the Feals Starter Pack could fit into their daily routine.

It implies that the bundle includes all the necessary products to support different aspects of the day, from starting the day stress-free to crushing the afternoon crash and winding down in the evening.

This can be appealing to potential customers who are looking for a holistic approach to their CBD routine.

Proven Formula

reduce perceived risk

The tagline "Transparency" and the headline "No secrets here" suggest openness and honesty about Feals products, which may attract customers who value transparency and want to know what they're consuming.

# Assurance of quality

By making lab results available, Feals demonstrates their commitment to transparency and quality, reassuring potential customers who seek high-quality CBD products.

Proven Formula

reduce perceived risk

# Happiness Guarantee

The tagline "Happiness Guarantee" and the headline "Love it, or it's on us" convey a sense of confidence in the Feals product and the brand's commitment to customer satisfaction. This can be reassuring for potential customers who may be hesitant to try a new CBD product, knowing that they can return it if they are not satisfied.

# Risk-free trial

The mention of "Try Feals risk-free" and "We offer free returns" can entice potential customers to give Feals a try without the fear of losing their investment if the product doesn't meet their expectations. This can lower the barrier to entry for potential customers who may be hesitant to try CBD products for the first time.

Proven Formula

call to action

# Highlighting the benefits

The tagline "THE BENEFITS" introduces the advantages of the Feals Starter Pack, while the headline "Feeling better starts now" creates urgency and implies positive outcomes from taking action.

# Bestsellers and customization

The Feals Starter Pack offers bestsellers and a personalized approach to help customers find what works for them, which piques interest and encourages further exploration.

# Prominent CTA button

The "Contact a Dosage Specialist" button is prominent, making it easy for customers to seek assistance, leading to increased engagement and conversion.

Proven Formula

Customer reviews

# Clear and compelling headline

The headline "What are people saying about the Feals Starter Pack?" immediately grabs the attention of potential customers and creates curiosity, encouraging them to read further.

# Relevant & relatable customer info

Details such as the age range and CBD experience of the customers in the reviews can help potential customers identify with the reviewers and see how the product may benefit them.

Potential customers can relate to real-life experiences and build trust, increasing their confidence in making a purchase.


Case study: Find Your Feals Starter Pack | CBD Bundle Starting Point

The Feals Starter Pack is a collection of bestselling products from Feals, a company that sells a range of CBD products designed to support calm, focus, and relief.
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